
Check Out Our YouTube Channel for Q&A Episodes and More

We recently announced that every Friday we would drop a YouTube video (recorded on Tuesdays) to answer many of your questions about that week’s episode. You can check out the channel here: YouTube

Also, you may be wondering how you can submit questions! Of course. There are several ways, and they are listed below.

  1. Voicemail – Call 972-942-0444 and leave us a voice mail. Your voice may be played on air, so let us know if you don’t want that.
  2. Facebook – – Log on and either message us or leave a comment on our news feed. The hosts will see the messages and read them on air.
  3. Twitter – @AJusticePodcast
  4. Email –
  5. US Mail – American Justice Podcast, 10455 N Central Expy, Suite 109-406, Dallas, Texas 75231

As always, thanks so much for your support and we look forward to hearing what everyone has to say! (or ask!)

S03E16 – Valentino Dixon